Daniel Verstappen

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© Daniel Verstappen

To become a musical ambassador around the world. It´s a childhood dream coming true for this young Belgian maestro. With (re)connection as a keyword and music as a borderbreaking language, Daniel Verstappen constantly helps to build bridges between cultures, generations and genres. Through the strings of his beloved instrument, he manages to win the hearts of his audience, with a unique blend of modern and classical elements.

Through the impact of this mix and dynamics in performances, he reaches a wide audience from young to older. Daniel´s ´musical ambassadorship´ also caught some royal attention. In 2022, he performed at the World Expo in Dubai in the presence of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde.

Meanwhile, the Reconnection Tour, a total experience of live music, visuals and guest artists, continues its journey through Europe (Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Sweden,..) and far beyond. In the pipeline are also Australia and the U.S.A., where Daniel will perform at the mythical Carnegie Hall in New York.

Under the heading ´Bridge between Cultures´, he connects with the local culture in each country where he plays, by inviting a local choir and/or guest artist(s). This way he combines his own work with traditional music and local artists.
Watch the trailer here: https://www.danielverstappen.com/BridgeBetweenCultures

The start of the tour, at the Congress Festival Centre in Varna, Bulgaria, on July 22th. 2021, was an instant hit. A compilation of live footage and interviews on major TV and radio stations locally, is featured in a documentary. Released at the turn of the year, with highlights from 2022, such as the 100 year celebration of diplomacy between Hungary and Belgium, including an interview with Daniel himself and the story behind his mission: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMeqK-DKLQ8

Daniel´s concerts on diplomatic occasions will be continued in 2024. Next Spring he will perform for embassies in honor of the Belgian European presidency.

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